Series: Client Reviews Vol.2


Future-oriented branding that perfectly suits the new generation of field workers has been achieved.

UPWARD, Inc. provides a service that improves the efficiency of field sales through creative and dynamic use of GPS technology. We spoke to their President and CEO, Mr. Ryusuke Kaneki, about how Jaythree assisted in the rebranding of their corporate image to accompany their name change.

Like playing catch, through an exchange of words
we were able to realize the worldview we had in mind.

The relationship between Jaythree and our company goes back almost twenty years, since the days of our predecessor company. Since our inception, we've had them do paper-based designs such as flyers for our products. Four years ago, when I took over as president, I decided to change our company name to UPWARD and unify it with the name of our service. Knowing that they were intimately familiar with us, I turned to Jaythree to help us rebrand, beginning with our corporate philosophy.

The first step in rebranding was to develop the key visual concept and copy. Jaythree used an image board during the discussions, making us feel like we were participating in a workshop. I really enjoyed tossing ideas back and forth as we came up with the language to go with our vision, repeating the process until we had a clearer picture of what we were looking for. It's obvious that the Jaythree team has a real passion for creative work. Despite our different fields, I got the sense that we were all working from a common point of view. We would consider things together, and have the same concern. I really felt like I could relate to them.

From dull and dreary to speedy and stylish—revamping the stereotypical image of a field worker

Our service, UPWARD, is a sales management tool that makes use of GPS technology. When you hear the term "door-to-door sales", you tend to get the impression of dreary, tedious work. It's not an occupation deemed attractive by the younger generation, and skilled salespeople are gradually disappearing from the field. As a result, it's become more and more difficult to pass on accumulated expertise to the next generation.
That's why we offer a service that allows salespeople to build a new, more efficient way of working, and connect with their customers more effectively using the UPWARD sales management tool, designed for a younger, mobile device-savvy generation.

The visual image of UPWARD is important here. We wondered what would resonate with people in an age where the boundaries between work and leisure are becoming blurred. After sharing our thoughts with Jaythree, we sifted through images, eventually deciding that the key visual would be a bearded man dressed in jeans who fit the image of a salesperson. This was paired with the slogan "Go Smarter", which I thought was the perfect message for the next generation of fieldworkers.

Same features, superior design!
An attractive new look brings increased consumer demand.

The visuals, catchphrase and various promotional materials produced by Jaythree have been exceptionally well-received both internally and externally. This branding helps to communicate the company's philosophy to both current and prospective employees. When you hear the word "design", you may think of an abstract image, but in fact, it's a very logical thing—a blueprint that gives shape to a concept. It's very difficult to bring those images to life. For me, personally, with most of the products I purchase and services I use, I choose them based on UI (user interface) and UX (user experience), which of course includes design. The more satisfied I am with the product, the longer I tend to use it.

The stars of our service, UPWARD, are our end-users. Design plays an irreplaceable role in stimulating their desire to buy, and to feel a sense of loyalty to our product. We have the highest respect for the team at Jaythree, and their keen ability to help us realize our ideas through knowledge and wisdom understood only by true creative professionals.

Living in an era where we have freedom of expression, we must think about how we can integrate our ideas together.

Looking forward, it would be interesting to work with Jaythree in the digital market. The speed of information and everything else is accelerating every day, and initial ideas change gradually over time. In this era when there are countless ways to express ideas, we have to find a way to integrate demand and design to meet the needs of each phase. That's why I believe it's important for creators to build with the user's experience in mind. We are hoping to continue working with Jaythree, a corporate collaborator who is always enthusiastic about listening to our thoughts, to further evolve the construction of UPWARD's brand.

Thoughts from JAYTHREE's Representative

UPWARD is a speedy but flexible startup company. They shared their passionate ideas, from which we used story boards to visualize and realize these thoughts as images. A concept that salespeople should be cool and smart, and the unique product of a sales management tool using cutting-edge GPS technology. We had to communicate closely and hold many discussions to find a point of agreement that would satisfy our client. The process of giving shape to the branding concept was very fresh and new, and I was able to experience all over again the depth and breadth of that goes into the design process. This project was an educational, enlightening, and satisfying one for me in so many ways!



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